+1 212.279.7900

Offer in Compromise FAQs

We’re all responsible for paying our fair share of taxes each year. But what happens when the amount that you owe is simply out of reach? What happens if you failed to make payments in a timely manner and your financial circumstances have shifted to the point...

Health Savings Accounts Fill Multiple Tax Needs

Terms of ServiceEffective: May 23, 2018Thanks for using our services! These terms of service (“Terms”) cover your use and access to our services, client software and websites (“Services”). We use ClientWhys, Inc. as our technology platform to...

Clergy Tax Benefits Under Fire

Terms of ServiceEffective: May 23, 2018Thanks for using our services! These terms of service (“Terms”) cover your use and access to our services, client software and websites (“Services”). We use ClientWhys, Inc. as our technology platform to...

A Mid-Year Tax Checkup May Be Appropriate

Terms of ServiceEffective: May 23, 2018Thanks for using our services! These terms of service (“Terms”) cover your use and access to our services, client software and websites (“Services”). We use ClientWhys, Inc. as our technology platform to...