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Will You Get a Refund or Owe for 2018?

Will You Get a Refund or Owe for 2018?

Terms of ServiceEffective: May 23, 2018Thanks for using our services! These terms of service (“Terms”) cover your use and access to our services, client software and websites (“Services”). We use ClientWhys, Inc. as our technology platform to...
Making Two IRA Rollovers in One Year Can Be Costly

Making Two IRA Rollovers in One Year Can Be Costly

Terms of ServiceEffective: May 23, 2018Thanks for using our services! These terms of service (“Terms”) cover your use and access to our services, client software and websites (“Services”). We use ClientWhys, Inc. as our technology platform to...

Day Care Providers Enjoy Special Tax Benefits

Terms of ServiceEffective: May 23, 2018Thanks for using our services! These terms of service (“Terms”) cover your use and access to our services, client software and websites (“Services”). We use ClientWhys, Inc. as our technology platform to...
October 2018 Individual Due Dates

October 2018 Individual Due Dates

October 10 – Report Tips to Employer If you are an employee who works for tips and received more than $20 in tips during September, you are required to report them to your employer on IRS Form 4070 no later than October 10. Your employer is required to withhold...